सबके जीवन में एक दिन ऐसा आता है जब
दिये में तेल खत्म हो जाता है
तब अपने आंसू डालो उसमें हारना नही है।
सबके जीवन में एक दिन ऐसा आता है जब
दिये में तेल खत्म हो जाता है
तब अपने आंसू डालो उसमें हारना नही है।
मै घर से निकला था सफल होने के लिये और सफल होने के लिये मैने पढाई को माध्यम बनाया किन्तु पढते-पढते आज तीन साल हो गये पेपर देता हूॅ कही कुछ गलती कही कुछ गलती ,गलती कहे तो कही कोई विषय में दिक्कत महसूस हुई और जब पेपर अच्छा गया तो पेपर लीक हो गया या फिर रिजल्ट ही नही आया और हर बार घर खाली हाथ पहुच जाता हूॅ माता-पिता मेरे क्या सभी के इसी इंतजार में बूढे हो जाते है कब बेटा कोई ,खुशखबरी सुनायेगा। मै तो घर जाता हूॅ मन घबराने लगता है और उस समय ऐसा लगता है जैसे अब सफलता नही मिली तो मर जाउगां अपने आप और पहले मै घर जाता था मेरे पुराने दोस्त यार जरूर मिलने आते थे और तो और मेरे कुछ खास दोस्त थ्ेा जिनके साथ खेला पढाई कि एक आवाज में वही खडा जहां जरूरत हो रात-दिन कही भी ऐसे दोस्त जिनको हम खास कि श्रेणी में रखते हैं। समय बदला मुझे पढते-पढते तीन साल हो गये हर बार फेल पर फेल का क्रम जारी है मजे कि बात ये अब जब मै घर जाता हूॅ जो दोस्त थे पक्के वाले देख भी लेते हैं तो अन्जानो का व्यवहार करते हैं । शायद धागा कमजोर हो गया है।
सरफरोशी कि तम्मना अब हमारे दिल में हैं
देखना है जोर कितना बाजुए कातिल में है
जीवन में सफलता क्या अहमियत रखती है मुझे पहले से पता है लेकिन ये पता नही था हम जो बचपन कि दोस्त रूपी पूजी इक्टठठा करते हैं वो भी आपकी तरक्की कि नीव पर निर्भर करेगी ।
आज मैं अनुभव करता हूॅ कि जीवन को जो गोपनीय तरीके से जीने वाला व्यक्ति बहुत खुश रहता है मुझे आज तक ऐसा कोई व्यक्ति नही मिला जो हमदर्द हो सब आज मतलब के लिये दोस्त बनाते हैं बनते हैं बैसे ही आज रिश्ते हो गये हैं, जिसे ही आज अपने दिल में आते भूकंप के बारे मे बताओ वही मदद करने कि बजाय शोषण करने को तैयार बैठा है चाहे फिर जो हो।
यह एक रीति बन गयी है। अगर आप गरीब है और अमीर होने का ढोग करते हैं कहा गया है फटे सो फटे पर पोजीशन न घटे आपके दोस्त,रिश्ते बहुत आ जायेगे बहुत सम्मान मिलेगा जिस दिन पता चलेगा स्थिति का उस दिन सब कुछ कम होने लगेगा क्योकि कही जरूरत पड जाये। लोग छोडने लगेगे । मुझे लगता है इसलिये महापुरूषों ने मूर्ति पूजा भगवान जैसी अदभुत रूप हमारे सामने प्रस्तुत किये जिसके सामने हम अपने मन कि व्यथा परेशानी को कह कर धीरज धारण कर पाये। इस समाज में आज अपने परिवार कि रक्षा अगर वीरता से करना हो तो अपनी दुख कि कहानी किसी को मत बताओ रास्ते ढूढों और लडो किसी को बताने पर आप अपना शोषण ही करायेगे । यह बात सतय है।
उम्मीद मत छोडना ,खुदा अच्छाई
का इम्तिहान जरूर लेता है
लेकिन ना इंसाफी नही करता वो कभी
There is a day in everyone's life when
Oil runs out
Then put your tears in it, don't lose it.
I had come out of the house to be successful and to succeed, I made education a medium, but today after reading, it has been three years giving papers, I said some mistake, some mistake, if I felt a problem in some subject and when If the paper is good, the paper is leaked or the result does not come and every time the house reaches home empty-handed, parents are waiting for me to wait for everyone, when the son will tell the good news. I go home feeling nervous and at that time it seems like if I don't get success now, I will die myself and earlier I used to go home, my old friends used to come to meet me and then some of my special friends with whom I played In a voice that studies, where the need arises, night and day friends wherever we are in the special category. Time changed: I have been studying for three years. Every time the order of failure continues, it is interesting that now when I go home, even friends who were sure to see them, they behave unknowingly. Perhaps the thread has become weak.
Sarfaroshi Tammana is in our hearts now
See how much force is in the murderer
What is important for success in life, I already know, but I did not know that the childhood friend who collects the capital as a friend will also depend on the foundation of your progress.
Today I feel that the person who lives life in a secret way is very happy, I have not found any person who is sympathetic till date, all of them make friends for the meaning of the relationship. Tell me about the earthquake that comes in your heart today, it is ready to exploit rather than help, whatever happens.
It has become a tradition. If you are poor and pretend to be rich, it has been said that the position does not fall on the floor torn, your friends will get a lot of respect and you will get a lot of respect on which day the situation will start to subside as everything is needed. People will start leaving. I think this is why the great men presented idol worship to us in a wonderful form like God, in front of which we could bear patience by saying the troubles of our mind. In this society, if you want to protect your family with valor, then do not tell the story of your sorrow to anyone, find ways and fight, you will only exploit yourself. This is true.failure to thrive, failure stories ,failure analysis, failure and success ,failure analysis, report a failure story, a failure in life, a failure story in hindi ,failure boy, failure cost ,failure criteria ,failure experience
Don't give up hope goodness
Takes the test of
But neither does he ever judge
failure to thrive, failure stories, failure analysis, failure and success, failure analysis, report a failure story, a failure in life, a failure story in hindi, failure boy, failure cost, failure criteria, failure experience,
There is a day in everyone's life when
Oil runs out
Then put your tears in it, don't lose it.
I had come out of the house to be successful and to succeed, I made education a medium, but today after reading, it has been three years giving papers, I said some mistake, some mistake, if I felt a problem in some subject and when If the paper is good, the paper is leaked or the result does not come and every time the house reaches home empty-handed, parents are waiting for me to wait for everyone, when the son will tell the good news. I go home feeling nervous and at that time it seems like if I don't get success now, I will die myself and earlier I used to go home, my old friends used to come to meet me and then some of my special friends with whom I played In a voice that studies, where the need arises, night and day friends wherever we are in the special category. Time changed: I have been studying for three years. Every time the order of failure continues, it is interesting that now when I go home, even friends who were sure to see them, they behave unknowingly. Perhaps the thread has become weak.
Sarfaroshi Tammana is in our hearts now
See how much force is in the murderer
What is important for success in life, I already know, but I did not know that the childhood friend who collects the capital as a friend will also depend on the foundation of your progress.
Today I feel that the person who lives life in a secret way is very happy, I have not found any person who is sympathetic till date, all of them make friends for the meaning of the relationship. Tell me about the earthquake that comes in your heart today, it is ready to exploit rather than help, whatever happens.
It has become a tradition. If you are poor and pretend to be rich, it has been said that the position does not fall on the floor torn, your friends will get a lot of respect and you will get a lot of respect on which day the situation will start to subside as everything is needed. People will start leaving. I think this is why the great men presented idol worship to us in a wonderful form like God, in front of which we could bear patience by saying the troubles of our mind. In this society, if you want to protect your family with valor, then do not tell the story of your sorrow to anyone, find ways and fight, you will only exploit yourself. This is true.failure to thrive, failure stories ,failure analysis, failure and success ,failure analysis, report a failure story, a failure in life, a failure story in hindi ,failure boy, failure cost ,failure criteria ,failure experience
Don't give up hope goodness
Takes the test of
But neither does he ever judge
failure to thrive, failure stories, failure analysis, failure and success, failure analysis, report a failure story, a failure in life, a failure story in hindi, failure boy, failure cost, failure criteria, failure experience,
Failure ,again and again ,tips for success, secret life is enjoyfull life
जवाब देंहटाएं