उदाहरण के लियेः
दोस्तो यह पावर फुल विचार हमारी मंडली के संग्राम सिंह द्वारा लिखा गया है। जो इस समय कानपुर में बीए0 एलएलबी0 के छात्र है। यह हर उस व्यक्ति (विद्यार्थी) को समर्पित है जो अपने भविष्य निर्माण में अग्रसर है।
जैसा कि आप सब जानते है कि समय बलवान है समय से ताकतबर कोई चीज नही है ।समय जो चाहता है वह हमसे वो करवा सकता है।
उदाहरण के लियेः
जब सर्दी आती है तो हम गर्म कपडे पहनने को मजबूर हो जाते है, और जब गर्मी आती है तो हम उन्ही कपडो का त्याग करते हैं। यह सब समय हमसे करवाता है।हम चाहते हुए भी अपने अनुसार कपडे नही पहन सकते हैं, यह समय कि ताकत है।
समय कि एक अच्छी बात यह भी है कि अच्छा हो या बुरा दोनो ही कट जाते है । हम समय को पकड या रोक नही सकते बस हम इसका पीछा कर सकते है।
यही सफल होने का तरीका है मौसम कोई भी हो आप रूकिये मत समय कि तरह चलते रहिये। आप खुद अपनी मंजिल तक पहुच जायेगे।
जैसे खरगोश और कछुए कि कहानी में था। कछुआ चलता रहा लगातार और वह मंजिल तक खरगोश से पहले पहुच गया।
अक्सर हमारे साथ भी यही होता है कि जब हम मंजिल कि ओर चलते रहते है तो बहुत तेज चलते है अन्त में मंजिल से पहले ही हम थक जाते हैं या रूक जोते हैं और हमसे पीछे वाले अक्सर आगे निकल जाते है। यही हमारी हार का कारण है। जिसको आने लगता है और हम सोचते है कि अब कुछ सीखने कि जरूरत नही है और कम जानकारी वाला सोचता है कि अभी हमारे पास बहुत समय है,और वह वही थम जाता है, जिसको कुछ नही आता वह सोचता है उपर वाले का कुछ नही हो रहा तो हमारा क्या होगा और वह भी प्रयास करना छोड देता है, यही हमारी हार का कारण है। समय कि तरह निरन्तर बिना थके बिना रूके चलते रहना चाहिये।
थक सा गया हूॅ मै मगर मै बैठ नही सकता
मैं वो सूरज हूॅ जो शाम ये पहले ढल नही सकता
हमारा निरन्तर किया जाने वाला प्रयास ही हमे सफल बनाता है। समय किसी का अच्छा या बुरा नही होता है। यह हमारे उपर निर्भर होता है।
आप बहते रहिये लगातार नदियों के पानी कि तरह
बुराईयां खुद किनारे लग जायेगी कचरे कि तरह।
Friends, this power full idea has been written by Sangram Singh of our troupe. Who is currently a BA LLB student in Kanpur. It is dedicated to every person (student) who is in the forefront of building his future.
As you all know that time is strong, there is nothing stronger than time. He can get us what he wants from time to time.
For example:
When winter comes, we are forced to wear warm clothes, and when summer comes, we discard those clothes. It makes us do it all the time. We cannot wear clothes as per our wish, this is the strength of our time.
There is also a good point of time that both good or bad are cut. We cannot catch or hold time, just we can chase it.
This is the way to succeed, no matter what the weather, do not stop and keep going like time. You will reach your destination yourself.
Like in the story of the rabbit and the turtle. The turtle kept moving continuously and he reached the floor before the rabbit.
Often the same happens with us that when we keep walking towards the floor, we walk very fast, finally before the floor we get tired or hold back and the people behind us often get ahead. This is the reason for our defeat. The one who starts coming and we think that there is no need to learn anything now and the less knowledgeable thinks that we have a lot of time now, and he stops, the one who does not think he has nothing. What will happen to us if we stop trying too, that is the reason for our defeat. Like time, one should keep going without stopping without being tired.
I'm tired but I can't sit
I'm the sun that can't change this evening
Our constant effort makes us successful. Time is not good or bad for anyone. It depends on us.
You keep flowing like the water of rivers continuously
The evils themselves will take the edge like garbage.
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Friends, this power full idea has been written by Sangram Singh of our troupe. Who is currently a BA LLB student in Kanpur. It is dedicated to every person (student) who is in the forefront of building his future.
As you all know that time is strong, there is nothing stronger than time. He can get us what he wants from time to time.
For example:
When winter comes, we are forced to wear warm clothes, and when summer comes, we discard those clothes. It makes us do it all the time. We cannot wear clothes as per our wish, this is the strength of our time.
There is also a good point of time that both good or bad are cut. We cannot catch or hold time, just we can chase it.
This is the way to succeed, no matter what the weather, do not stop and keep going like time. You will reach your destination yourself.
Like in the story of the rabbit and the turtle. The turtle kept moving continuously and he reached the floor before the rabbit.
Often the same happens with us that when we keep walking towards the floor, we walk very fast, finally before the floor we get tired or hold back and the people behind us often get ahead. This is the reason for our defeat. The one who starts coming and we think that there is no need to learn anything now and the less knowledgeable thinks that we have a lot of time now, and he stops, the one who does not think he has nothing. What will happen to us if we stop trying too, that is the reason for our defeat. Like time, one should keep going without stopping without being tired.
I'm tired but I can't sit
I'm the sun that can't change this evening
Our constant effort makes us successful. Time is not good or bad for anyone. It depends on us.
You keep flowing like the water of rivers continuously
The evils themselves will take the edge like garbage.
Send feedback
make us successful, what makes us successful in life, what makes us successful ,what makes the us so successful,life management tips, life management skills in hindi, life management coach, life management skills, life management afeias, life management advisors, a life management class, the life management center,a life cycle management, life management by dr vijay agrawal, life management class, life management explain, life management for adults, life management group, life management guru, life management hindi, life management hindi me, life management in hindi