आज हमारी पृथ्वी को सबसे ज्यादा जरूरत है तो वह है न्यायप्रिय लोगो कि पहले मानव को ज्ञान नही था आग का अविष्कार हुआ जानवरो को मारकर खाते थे मनुष्य ने खेती आरम्भ कि और जानवरो पर अत्याचार कम किया अन्य से बने पदार्थ खाने लगे दूध का प्रयोग करने लगे धीरे-धीरे मनुष्य ज्ञानी होता चला गया इतना ज्ञानी हो गया कि हर जगह खुशियां ही खुशियां छाने लगी प्रकति हमसे खुश थी रोग से पहले उसका निदान प्रकृति हमे दे देती थी। फिर हमने अपने आप को महान बनाने के चक्कर में प्रकृति का शोषण शुरू कर दिया क्योकि इन्सान अपने आप को महान समझने कि भूल करने लगा था। जब सब जगह लोग अपनी मन मानी कर रहे थे उस समय सिर्फ भारत देश ऐसा था जहां पर लोग अपने पुराने ग्रन्थों सनातन संस्कृति पर पर चल रहा थे बहुत अकं्राता आये और तबाह हो गये क्योकि उनकी संस्कृति तुच्छ घिनौनी थी जो समय के साथ भारत जैसी पवित्र धरती से नष्ट हो गये हमने अपना रास्ता नही बदला हम और ताकत के साथ आगे बडे फिर समूचे पृथ्वी पर एक दौर आया लोग अपना वर्चस्व बनाने के लिये अपना विस्तार बढाने लगे जहां लोग स्वतंत्र थे वही विस्तार बढाने के लिये लोगो पर अत्याचार होने लगा फिर बडी - बडी विरासतेा के टुकडे होने लगे लोग स्वतंत्रता कि मांग करने लगे लोग स्वतंत्र भी हुए जो जहां था वही स्वतंत्र रूप से जीने लगा था सब ठीक था फिर अचानक एक दौर आया एशिया मंे जो छोटे-छोटे इलाके थे जहां काले,गोरे,छोटे,बडे,हिन्दू,बौद्व,सिख,इसाई,मुस्लिम,पारसी रहते थे किसी को किसी मतलब नही था सब खुश थे लेकिन कुछ आराजकता से भरे लोगो ने उन लेागो पर अत्याचार किया जिन्हे कुछ पता नही था और वेकशूर थे सजा पाई उनकी रोती हुयी आंखे उनके सामने उनके बेटी कि इज्जत लूटी गयी मारा गया धर्म का हवाला देकर धर्म परिवर्तन कराया गया उसके बाद फिर शोषण किया गया अत्याचार सहते सहते या तो वह मर गये या मार दिये गये या भाग गये उनका पता नहीं हिन्दू,बौद्व,सिख,इसाई ये बात क्या आज जो बडी- बडी एजेन्सियां जो हर देश पर फर्जी कि टिप्पणियां कर रही है क्या पहले सो गयी थी या डरी हुई थी या ये अपने फायदे में लगे थे आज भी जिन एशियाई देशो में बडी क्रूरता के साथ कृत किये गये तब क्यो चुप थे क्यो नही फूछते कहा गये ये लोग इनके पास आने जाने वालो के रिकार्ड होते हैं। दम है तो पूछे नही तो आने वाले समय में इनकी बात कौन सुनेगा। हमें तो इनके अस्तित्व पर खतरा दिख रहा बहुत से देशो में पहले कानून कुछ और था फिर अचानक वह देश इस्लाम में तब्दील हो गये बडी- बडी एजेन्सियां जो मानव अधिकार कि बात करते हैं बुद्वजीवि लोग हैं इनको नही पता क्या हुआ होगा इन देशों में आज जो इस्लामिक देश बन गये इनके भी अपने धर्म होगे किसी को मानने वाले होेगे क्या वह कू्रर हैं या उनके ग्रन्थों में ज्ञान का यही मार्ग है जिन्होने लाखों करोडो लोगो को मार डाला इनको सोचना चाहिये दुनिया का कोई भी धर्म ये काम करने कि इजाजत नही देता इनके नुमाइनदो ने गलत तरीके कि शिक्षा लोगो तक पहुचायी या अपनी सत्ता स्थापना के लिये ये कृत किये। बडी- बडी एजेन्सियां जो मानव अधिकार कि बात करते हैं बुद्वजीवि लोग हैं इनसे पूछे और इन पर कार्यवाही करे सख्त प्रतिबंध लगाये बहुत सी इस्लामिक देशों में हिन्दू,बौद्व,सिख,इसाई धर्म के मानने बाले अनुयायी कहा गये पाक्स्तिान में 27 प्रतिशत थे 3 प्रतिशत बचे, बांगलादेश में 17 प्रतिशत थे 4 प्रतिशत बचे,और सब इस्लामिक देशों में पचास-पचास प्रतिशत में ये लोग थे कहा गये रिकार्ड मागें इनसे कभी- कभी तो ऐसा लगता है कि लोग इतने सुन्दर है इनका धर्म इतना कू्रर कैसे हो सकता है इससे तो इनका धर्म और धर्माे से बहुत कमजोर है लाखेा करोडो लोगो पर जिहाद और काफिर के नाम पर अत्याचार करते हैं। जैसे चीन में आज महामारी का दौर है क्योकि इन्होने जीवो पर अत्याचार कि सारी सीमायें पार कर दी थी ये प्रकृति का प्रकोप है और यह अब आधी चीन को समाप्त कर ही रूकेगा और धीरे धीरे समूचे पृथ्वी पर फैलता जा रहा है इसका उपचार अभी तक नही मिला इसका उपचार भारतीय सनातन वेद अर्थववेद में है। ये वेद पुराण प्राचीन और इनके सब्द अकंटक है बस ढूढने कि जरूरत है । इसी तरह यह भी एक बिमारी है इस पर हमारी पृथ्वी कि बडी शक्तियों को सोचने कि जरूरत हैं। नही तो इस रोग ये आप भी नही बच पायेगे ।
Today, our earth needs the most, so it is the fair people that before humans did not know the invention of fire was done by killing animals and humans started farming and reduced the atrocities on animals and started eating milk made from other foods. Slowly man started becoming knowledgeable and he became so knowledgeable that happiness started spreading everywhere happiness was happy with us. Was giving out. Then we started exploiting nature in the circle of making ourselves great because man had started making mistake of thinking of himself as great. At the time when people were obeying everywhere, at that time only India was such a place where people were following their old texts on the eternal culture, they were very unconcerned and devastated because their culture was insignificant, which was sacred like India over time. We were destroyed from the earth, we did not change our path and we moved forward with strength, then a round came on the whole earth, people started expanding themselves to create their dominance. People were being oppressed to increase the expansion, people were independent, then people started getting bigger and larger, people started demanding freedom, they also became independent, which was where they started living independently, all was well then suddenly a phase In Asia, there were small areas where black, white, small, big, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Christian, Muslim, Parsi lived, there was no meaning to anyone, everyone was happy but some king The people filled with torture persecuted those who knew nothing and they were innocent, they were punished, their eyes cried in front of them, their daughter was looted with respect and converted to religion, citing religion and then being exploited and tortured. Whether he died or was killed or ran away, his address is not known to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians, what are the big agencies today that are fake on every country Whether she was asleep or scared or was engaged in her own benefit, even today, in Asian countries, which were created with great cruelty, then why were they silent? There are records. If you have the strength then do not ask who will listen to them in the coming time. We see a threat to their existence, in many countries, there was some other law earlier, then suddenly those countries turned into Islam. There are big agencies who talk about human rights, they are intelligent people, they do not know what has happened in these countries today. Those who have become Islamic countries, they will also have their own religion, will they believe anyone, is it a courier or is this the path of knowledge in their texts that millions of people Killed, they should think that no religion of the world allows them to do this work, their representatives have wrongly reached the education of the people or they have done it to establish their power. Big - big agencies who talk about human rights are Buddhist people, ask them and take strict restrictions on them. In many Islamic countries, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christian believers were 27 percent of those who were said to be believers in Pakistan, 3 percent. Left, 17 percent were in Bangladesh, 4 percent were left, and in fifty-fifty percent of all Islamic countries, these people were told to ask for records, sometimes they Receive think people outraged so beautiful their religion may be how much Kurr is that if they are too weak to religion and Dharmae Lakea millions of people to jihad and infidels name. Just like in China today, it is a period of epidemic because they have crossed all the limits of tyranny on the creatures, it is an outbreak of nature and it will stop only half of China and it is slowly spreading all over the earth, its treatment is not yet Found its treatment in the Indian Sanatana Veda Earthvave. This Veda Purana is ancient and its Sabbath is just a matter of need. Similarly, this is also a disease, on which the big powers of our earth need to think. Otherwise you will not be able to survive this disease.
Today, our earth needs the most, so it is the fair people that before humans did not know the invention of fire was done by killing animals and humans started farming and reduced the atrocities on animals and started eating milk made from other foods. Slowly man started becoming knowledgeable and he became so knowledgeable that happiness started spreading everywhere happiness was happy with us. Was giving out. Then we started exploiting nature in the circle of making ourselves great because man had started making mistake of thinking of himself as great. At the time when people were obeying everywhere, at that time only India was such a place where people were following their old texts on the eternal culture, they were very unconcerned and devastated because their culture was insignificant, which was sacred like India over time. We were destroyed from the earth, we did not change our path and we moved forward with strength, then a round came on the whole earth, people started expanding themselves to create their dominance. People were being oppressed to increase the expansion, people were independent, then people started getting bigger and larger, people started demanding freedom, they also became independent, which was where they started living independently, all was well then suddenly a phase In Asia, there were small areas where black, white, small, big, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Christian, Muslim, Parsi lived, there was no meaning to anyone, everyone was happy but some king The people filled with torture persecuted those who knew nothing and they were innocent, they were punished, their eyes cried in front of them, their daughter was looted with respect and converted to religion, citing religion and then being exploited and tortured. Whether he died or was killed or ran away, his address is not known to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians, what are the big agencies today that are fake on every country Whether she was asleep or scared or was engaged in her own benefit, even today, in Asian countries, which were created with great cruelty, then why were they silent? There are records. If you have the strength then do not ask who will listen to them in the coming time. We see a threat to their existence, in many countries, there was some other law earlier, then suddenly those countries turned into Islam. There are big agencies who talk about human rights, they are intelligent people, they do not know what has happened in these countries today. Those who have become Islamic countries, they will also have their own religion, will they believe anyone, is it a courier or is this the path of knowledge in their texts that millions of people Killed, they should think that no religion of the world allows them to do this work, their representatives have wrongly reached the education of the people or they have done it to establish their power. Big - big agencies who talk about human rights are Buddhist people, ask them and take strict restrictions on them. In many Islamic countries, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christian believers were 27 percent of those who were said to be believers in Pakistan, 3 percent. Left, 17 percent were in Bangladesh, 4 percent were left, and in fifty-fifty percent of all Islamic countries, these people were told to ask for records, sometimes they Receive think people outraged so beautiful their religion may be how much Kurr is that if they are too weak to religion and Dharmae Lakea millions of people to jihad and infidels name. Just like in China today, it is a period of epidemic because they have crossed all the limits of tyranny on the creatures, it is an outbreak of nature and it will stop only half of China and it is slowly spreading all over the earth, its treatment is not yet Found its treatment in the Indian Sanatana Veda Earthvave. This Veda Purana is ancient and its Sabbath is just a matter of need. Similarly, this is also a disease, on which the big powers of our earth need to think. Otherwise you will not be able to survive this disease.