सनातन धर्म कि उदारता
हमारे पूर्वजों महापुरूषों ने शत्रु के भी गुणों का बखान करने कि सलाह दी है हमें अंग्रेजों जैसा शत्रु मिला था। अंग्रेजो में हजार दोश हो एक बडा भारी गुण भी था। उसे लाज शर्म थी। वह अन्याय करता जरूर था पर उस अन्याय से लज्जित भी होता था। क्योकि उसकी परम्परा महान है। उसके साहित्य में उददात गुणेंा कि प्रतिष्ठा है। बुहत कुछ भारत बर्ष जैसा ही है। हमारा साहित्य और भी विषद है और भी उदार है हममे भी लाज लज्जा बहुत है नित्य समाचार पत्रों में हम भारत के लंगे विरोधियों को देखते हैं झूठ बोलने में जरा भी संकचित नही होते और पाप करके दूसरो पर निर्लज्जता पूर्वक दोषरोहण करते हैं।
सुनकर हमारा खून खैाल उठता है कभी -कभी हम झुलझुलाते हैं नेताओं के सदुउपदेशों से चिढ जाता हूॅ पर सही बात यह है कि हम और भी बेसरम हो नही सकतें उस रास्ते पर चाहे भी तो बढ नही सकते हमारी हजारों वर्षो कि संस्कृति हमारा पैर जकड देती है । हमारा उदार साहित्य हमें लज्जित करता है। मुह से हम चाहे जितना चिढ लें लेकिन निर्लज्जता हमारे रक्त में है ही नही जब कभी आती भी है तो क्षणिक आगन्तुक के रूप में आती है। यह सच्चाई है यही वास्तविकता है हम जो हो नही सकते उसके लिये प्रयत्न करना बेकार है। उत्तेजना में कभी घोर अन्याय कर सकते हैं परन्तु निश्चित रूप में हम बाद में पछतायेगे चुटकी बजाके हजारो वर्षो कि संस्कृति का उडाया नही जा सकता हम यह नही कह सकते कि हममे दोष नही हैं। दोष एक दो हैं। हमने कम पाप किये हैं। करोडों को जानबूझकर पैरो तले दवा रखा है। नतीजा यह होता है कि जब हम आगे बढने लगते हैं तब कुछ लोग नीचे कि ओर खीचतें हैं सो दोष तो हममें बहुत हैं उसी संस्कृति और साहित्य ने इन दोषों को भी पाला है। परन्तु यह सब होते हुए भी हमारी परम्परा महान और उदार है। हम अपने इन दोषों के लिये लज्जित होते हैं। लाज शर्म का रहना अच्छा है अन्याय करके पछताने कि आदत बुरी नही हैं । सबसे अच्छी बात यह है कि हम अन्याय करते ही नही है, लेकिन आदमी ,आदमी ही है।
Sanity's liberality
Our ancestors, great men, have advised to declare the qualities of the enemy as well. We had found an enemy like the British. There was a thousand heavy defects in the British too. He was ashamed He was sure to do injustice but was also ashamed of that injustice. Because his tradition is great. He has a reputation for quality qualities in his literature. Very few are similar to India. Our literature is even more sad and generous, we have a lot of shame and shame in our daily newspapers. We see the long-time opponents of India, are not a little determined to lie and blasphemously blaming others for sin.
On hearing our blood, sometimes we get irritated, sometimes we get irritated by the sad teachings of the leaders, but the right thing is that we cannot be more baseless even if we cannot grow on that path, our culture of thousands of years would have shaken our legs is . Our liberal literature makes us ashamed. No matter how much we get irritated from the mouth but shamelessness is not in our blood, whenever it comes, it comes as a transient visitor. This is the truth, this is the reality, it is useless to try for what we cannot be. You can do gross injustice at times in excitement, but surely we will later regret it by pinching a thousand years of culture that cannot be blown away, we cannot say that we do not have faults. The faults are one or two. We have committed fewer sins. Millions have been deliberately kept under medicine. As a result, when we start to move forward, some people are pulling down, so the faults are very much in us, the same culture and literature has also brought these faults. But despite all this, our tradition is great and generous. We are ashamed of our faults. It is good to be ashamed of shame and habit of regretting injustice is not bad. The best thing is that we do not do injustice, but man is man.
Sanity's liberality
Our ancestors, great men, have advised to declare the qualities of the enemy as well. We had found an enemy like the British. There was a thousand heavy defects in the British too. He was ashamed He was sure to do injustice but was also ashamed of that injustice. Because his tradition is great. He has a reputation for quality qualities in his literature. Very few are similar to India. Our literature is even more sad and generous, we have a lot of shame and shame in our daily newspapers. We see the long-time opponents of India, are not a little determined to lie and blasphemously blaming others for sin.
On hearing our blood, sometimes we get irritated, sometimes we get irritated by the sad teachings of the leaders, but the right thing is that we cannot be more baseless even if we cannot grow on that path, our culture of thousands of years would have shaken our legs is . Our liberal literature makes us ashamed. No matter how much we get irritated from the mouth but shamelessness is not in our blood, whenever it comes, it comes as a transient visitor. This is the truth, this is the reality, it is useless to try for what we cannot be. You can do gross injustice at times in excitement, but surely we will later regret it by pinching a thousand years of culture that cannot be blown away, we cannot say that we do not have faults. The faults are one or two. We have committed fewer sins. Millions have been deliberately kept under medicine. As a result, when we start to move forward, some people are pulling down, so the faults are very much in us, the same culture and literature has also brought these faults. But despite all this, our tradition is great and generous. We are ashamed of our faults. It is good to be ashamed of shame and habit of regretting injustice is not bad. The best thing is that we do not do injustice, but man is man.
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