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home minister लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
home minister लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं

Today the thinking of the people living in India is getting so negative NRC #JNU #CAA

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Found on: https://ift.tt/2R5hNrw
Today the thinking of the people living in India is getting so negative, which is seeing its effect, today the situation has become such that if one party passes a bill, then all is well, on the other side, the government elected by the overwhelming majority, the absolute majority and Then some people came on the road to protest against the bill passed by the President. There are so many intelligent living and educated people in our country, it is a matter of shame that any Indian community is not related to caste by the law, yet the people who have been caught in lies spread by some leftists of Indian origin are making disgusting like picketing. .

India is a democratic country, it is right to picket, but what is the problem with the decision taken in the interest of the country, the minorities who are boycotting it should think that it is said that only one patient can understand the pain of another patient and think You should think that when you are so distracted by the spreading rumors like NRC that Afganistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh whose constitution has written in Article 2 that Religion Number Country just Islam and Contribution sense not Islam survey of religion is possible to get justice for minorities in these countries.

Today, the Government of India had taken a good decision, why started having problems, in India, not for seventy years, there have been millions of people asking for help from millions of people, but the governments continued to fill their pockets with blind eyes and help the refugees of India. It is committed that the Indian minority should understand this matter. There are many proofs which are also proving the truth. Why protest bed thinking NRC #JNU #CAA Protest | NRC against CAA, NRC

It is being said that Indian Muslim minorities are feeling insecure. So this thing must be understood.

There were 27 / minority in pakistan in 1950, 3 / today

The books were 17 / in Bangladesh today, 7 /. And there were 9.8 / Muslim minorities in India, which turned 14.3 / today, did not do anything wrong for anyone in a beautiful beautiful country like India, developed everyone's company and where did the so many people of the neighboring countries have been pleading with the Government of India for seventy years. These governments ignored them and the entire Indian population is in India or has been killed and all these things should be understood by the Muslim Indian minority and the Government of India is blessed Should sue

एक मंत्री की योग्यता का महत्वपूर्ण प्रदर्शन तब होता है जब shree saradaar ballabh bhaee patel

एक मंत्री की योग्यता का महत्वपूर्ण प्रदर्शन तब होता है जब सरकारी कर्मचारी उसे अपना पूर्ण सहयोग देते है। भारत के एक सबसे योग्य प्रशासक सरदार बल्लभ भाई पटेल,नेहरू कि प्रथम कैबिनेट में उपप्रधानमंत्री के साथ-साथ गृहमंत्री भी थे। पटेल अंग्रेजी के प्रबल विरोधी थे। कार्यभार संभालने के बाद सरदार पटेल ने उन सरकारी कर्मचारियों को अपने सहयांेग और उनकी सेवा शर्तो को नियमित करने और उनके अधिकार को बहाल रखने का अश्वासन दिया । उन्होने उनमें अपने विश्वास को कार्य रूप दिया । उनके गृह-सचिव एच0 बी0 आर0 आयंगर ने बताया कि एक बार उसने 40 फाइले सरदार पटेल के पास भेंजी । 38 फाइलों पर उन्होने गृह-सचिव कि बातों कि पुष्टि कर दी जब गृह-सचिव ने उन्हे बताया कि वे इस बात से बहुत प्रसन्न है तो सरदार पटेल ने कहा कि मै तुम्हारी 25 बातों से सहमत नहीं हूॅ परन्तु मुझे गृह-सचिव के रूप में तुम्हारी स्थिति को बनाये रखना है।

यह कार्य करने के लिये उनके पास योग्यतम सरकारी अफसर थे। देशी रजवाडो को देश में मिलाने का काम देखने वाले सचिव थे-- वी0पी0मेमन। मेमन ने लेखक को बताया कि हर रात 9 बजे सोने से पहले पटेल फोन पर उनसे दिन भर कि प्रगति के बारे में पूछते थे। आठ महीनों में पटेल ने तीन राज्यों को छोडकर सब रियासतों को भारत में मिला लिया था। ये तीन राज्य थे कश्मीर,प्रधानमंत्री नेहरू ने इसे मिलाने का कार्य अनपने हाथ में लिया था),जूनागढ तथा हैदराबादसरदार पटेल ने जूनागढ और हैदराबाद दोनो राज्यो के लिये पुलिस कार्यवाही का आदेश  दिया और उनका भारत में विलय कर दिया । पटेल कि मृत्यु के पांच बर्ष वाद भारत का दौरा करने वाले निकिता खु्रश्चेव कि श्रद्वांजलि सरदार पटेल के लिये सबसे श्रेष्ठ श्रंद्वाजलि थी कि आप भारतीय लोग गजब हैं । आपने देशी राजाओं को समाप्त किए बिना ही उनकी रियासतों को समाप्त कर दिया। 
जब चीन ने 1950 में तिब्बत पर हमला किया, पटेल ने नेहरू को एक गुप्त पत्र में चीन के इरादों के बारे में आगाह किया था।नेहरू ने चेतावनी को नजरअंदाज कर दिया। छः सप्ताह बाद पटेल कि मृत्यु हो गयी। नेहरू प्रधानमंत्री] चाउ एनलाई के साथ भाईचारा बढाया। जब बारह वर्श वाद चीन ने उत्तर -पूर्व भारत पर आक्रमण किया तो नेहरू टूट चुके थे, वह निराश हो चुके थे। उन्होने स्वीकार कर लिया मै तो वास्तविक दुनिया से अलग ही रह रहा था। दो दशक पहले इसी तरह चैमबरलेन भी हिटलर और मुसोलिनी को नहीं समझ सका था। 

Late Shri Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel

The important performance of a minister's qualifications is when government employees give him full support. Sardar Ballabhbhai Patel, one of India's most qualified administrators, was the Deputy Prime Minister as well as the Home Minister in Nehru's first cabinet. Patel was a strong opponent of English. After taking charge, Sardar Patel gave assurances to those government employees to regularize their support and their service conditions and restore their authority. He made his faith work in them. His home secretary HBR Iyengar told that once he sent 40 files to Sardar Patel. On 38 files, he confirmed the things of the Home Secretary, when the Home Secretary told him that he was very happy with this, Sardar Patel said that I do not agree with your 25 things but I as the Home Secretary Your position has to be maintained.

He had Yogayatam government officials to do this work. VP Memon was the secretary who saw the work of mixing native Razvados in the country. Memon told the writer that before going to sleep at 9 pm every night Patel used to ask him about the progress of the day. In eight months, Patel had merged all the princely states into India with the exception of three states. These three states were Kashmir (Prime Minister Nehru had unceasingly taken up the task of mixing it), Junagadh and Hyderabad. Sardar Patel ordered police action for both Junagadh and Hyderabad states and merged them into India. Five years after Patel's death, Shradwanjali of Nikita Khurshchev, who visited India, was the best tribute to Sardar Patel that you Indians are amazing. You abolished the princely states without abolishing the native kings.

When China invaded Tibet in 1950, Patel warned Nehru in a secret letter about China's intentions. Nehru ignored the warning. Patel died six weeks later. Nehru fraternized with Prime Minister Chow Enlai. When the twelve-year debate over China invaded northeast India, Nehru was shattered and disappointed. He accepted that I was living separately from the real world. Two decades ago, Chamberlain could not understand Hitler and Musolini.

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Shri Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel,Home Minister,Deputy Prime Minister,Sardar Patel,VP Memon,Hyderabad,Musolini,Hitler, Nehru,कश्मीर,प्रधानमंत्री नेहरू,सरदार बल्लभ भाई पटेल

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