वैसे तो यादे सभी कि होती हैं, अन्तर बस इतना होता है कुछ लिख जाते हैं, कुछ अपने साथ ले जाते हैं।
मां के लिये दे शब्द कहना चाहूंगा
मांग लू ये मन्नत कि ये जहां मिले
प्रिय मित्रों आज का लेख स्वयं मेरे एक पल का है, मैं उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य के प्रयागराज में तीन साल से सरकारी जाॅब कि तैयारी कर रहा हूॅ। मैं अपने घर से पांच सौ किलोमीटर दूर रहता हूॅ, मेरा एक रूम पार्टनर भी है, और मेरी मां घर पर ही रहती है। मैने यहां बहुत रूम बदले तीन सालों में लेकिन हर जगह मां के रूप में कभी (मकान मालकिन) आन्टी ने मां कि तरह मदद कि ऐ समय था मेरी एक दोस्त भी थी जो मेरी मां कि तरह ही बातें और सलाह देती थी।
ये मेरी मां का ही आशीर्वाद है और भगवान का भी धन्यवाद ऐसा कोई रूम नही मिला जहां मां कि तरह स्नेह करने वाली आन्टी न मिली हो फिर धीरे-धीरे समय बदला सब जाते गये मैं एक दोस्त के साथ नये रूम में शिफट हो गया जहां किसी को किसी से कोई मतलब नही हर महीने पैसे दो बस मरो चाहे जीओ ऐसा मरे साथ पहली बार हुआ आज दिनांक 01.02.2020 से मुझे तेज बुखार ,सर्दी देकर आने वाला ,आंख लाल, सिर दर्द ,जुखाम भयानक तरीके से आ रहा था। इतना थका हुआ महसूस कर रहा था कि बस काश घर पर होता या पहले कि तरह कोई मकान मालकिन ऐसी होती जो एक बार सिर पर हाथ रखकर पूॅछ लेती तबियत कैसी है। 01.02.2020 को तो मैने पूरा दिन कुछ खाया ही नही था ऐसा नही कि मैं अकेला हूॅ मेरा एक रूम पार्टनर भी है लेकिन सिर्फ नाम का इतिहास गबाह है हमेशा दुश्मनो से इतना खतरा नही होता जितना अपनो से होता है।
आप सोचेगे क्यो रह रहे ऐसे के साथ, रूम पार्टनर ही इसी लिये बनाये जाते है कि संकट कि घडी में साथ दे इसमे उसकी कोई गलती नही वह बुहत गरीब दिल का है। गरीबी से निकला है अभी- अभी और अधिक पाने कि इच्छा है। अनजान और दिखावे पर जीता है। ऐसा बर्ताव कोई बडी बात नही ,जब मै कभी बीमार होता था घर पर ,तो मेरे मम्मी पापा खाना,पीना,दवा से लेकर सारा इंतजाम करते थे। बच्चे को तकलीफ न हो और हम उस समय उनकी अहमियत को अन्देखा करते थे।
आज मैने बहुत याद किया उन दिनों को और रोया भी कि एक बार कोई सिर पर हाथ रख दे मेरा दर्द कम हो जाये दोस्त यार एक दो ही सच्चे मिलते हैं। जो सुख दुख में साथ दे बगैर कहे समझ जाये शायद वो दोस्त बहुत दूर हैं जो पास है वो झूठ और अहंकार से ग्रसित लोग हैं या समय कि तरक्की के अनुसार बदल गये।
मेरी मां को हर बार मैं घूमाने का वादा करके आता हूॅ क्या करूॅ खुद ही समस्या में उलझा हूॅ हर बार फेल हो रहा हूॅ।
कहा घूमाउं जब मेरा मन ही एक पल नही ठहर रहा । ज्वालामुखी खैाल रहा है भयानक अन्दर ,मेरे मेरे पापा जिन्होने कभी भी तीन सालों में पैसो कि कमी महसूस नही होने दी पता नही इतनी जिम्मेदारी इतनी कम कमाई में कैसे ,महान हैं मेरे पापा जाने कितने दोस्त है मेरे ,पैसे से सबसे मजबूत भाग गये मैदान छोडकर पैसे का बहाना करके आई लव यू मम्मी पापा भगवान और अपनी मेहनत पर मुझे पूरा विश्वास है मुझे और जल्द ही चक्रव्यूह तोडूगा और दोस्तो जो घर पर हैं बहुत प्यार करो अपने मम्मी पापा को जो दिन बीत जायेगे दोवारा नही आने वाले।
My mother
By the way, remember that all happens, the only difference is that some write, some take it with them.
I would like to say the word for mother
Seek to pray that this is where you meet
Then the same mother again met her mother.
Dear friends, Today's article is of my own moment, I have been preparing for government job in Prayagraj of Uttar Pradesh state for three years. I live five hundred kilometers away from my house, I also have a room partner, and my mother stays at home. I changed a lot of rooms here in three years, but everywhere as a mother (landlady), like Aunty, I had a friend who also used to give me advice and advice like my mother.
This is my mother's blessing and thanks to God, no room was found where there was no such loving aunt as my mother, then slowly the time changed, I got settled in a new room with a friend. Does not matter to anyone, give money every month, just die, live it for the first time with me. Today from 01.02.2020 I had high fever, cold coming, eye red, headache, cold was coming in terrible way.Feeling so tired that I just wish I was at home or as before, there would have been a landlady who would once ask a hand on her head and ask how is her health. On 01.02.2020, I did not eat anything for the whole day, it is not that I am alone, I am also a room partner, but the name's history is always gabbah, there is not always as much danger from enemies as you do.
Why would you think that with such a living, room partners are made for the same reason that it is not a mistake in supporting them in the time of crisis, that is very poor heart. Out of poverty, I just have a desire to get more. Unknown and live on pretense. Such behavior is not a big deal, when I used to get sick at home, my mother and father used to make all arrangements from food, drink and medicine. The child did not have any problem and we used to see their importance at that time.
Today, I missed many of those days and cried that once someone puts their hands on my head, my pain is reduced, friend or friend. Those who are able to understand the happiness without saying in sorrow, are probably those friends who are far away, they are people who are suffering from lies and arrogance or have changed according to the progress of time.
My mother comes every time I promise to roam, what should I do, I am getting entangled in the problem and I am failing every time.
Said to turn around when my mind did not stop for a moment. The volcano is ravaging deep inside, my father who has never let me lose money in three years, I do not know how much responsibility is in earning so little, how great my father is, my friend is the strongest runaway from my money With the exception of money, I love you mommy Papa God and I have full faith in my hard work and I will soon break the chakravyuh and friends who are at home Dude, your mother and father will not be able to come back to the days.
My mother
By the way, remember that all happens, the only difference is that some write, some take it with them.
I would like to say the word for mother
Seek to pray that this is where you meet
Then the same mother again met her mother.
Dear friends, Today's article is of my own moment, I have been preparing for government job in Prayagraj of Uttar Pradesh state for three years. I live five hundred kilometers away from my house, I also have a room partner, and my mother stays at home. I changed a lot of rooms here in three years, but everywhere as a mother (landlady), like Aunty, I had a friend who also used to give me advice and advice like my mother.
This is my mother's blessing and thanks to God, no room was found where there was no such loving aunt as my mother, then slowly the time changed, I got settled in a new room with a friend. Does not matter to anyone, give money every month, just die, live it for the first time with me. Today from 01.02.2020 I had high fever, cold coming, eye red, headache, cold was coming in terrible way.Feeling so tired that I just wish I was at home or as before, there would have been a landlady who would once ask a hand on her head and ask how is her health. On 01.02.2020, I did not eat anything for the whole day, it is not that I am alone, I am also a room partner, but the name's history is always gabbah, there is not always as much danger from enemies as you do.
Why would you think that with such a living, room partners are made for the same reason that it is not a mistake in supporting them in the time of crisis, that is very poor heart. Out of poverty, I just have a desire to get more. Unknown and live on pretense. Such behavior is not a big deal, when I used to get sick at home, my mother and father used to make all arrangements from food, drink and medicine. The child did not have any problem and we used to see their importance at that time.
Today, I missed many of those days and cried that once someone puts their hands on my head, my pain is reduced, friend or friend. Those who are able to understand the happiness without saying in sorrow, are probably those friends who are far away, they are people who are suffering from lies and arrogance or have changed according to the progress of time.
My mother comes every time I promise to roam, what should I do, I am getting entangled in the problem and I am failing every time.
Said to turn around when my mind did not stop for a moment. The volcano is ravaging deep inside, my father who has never let me lose money in three years, I do not know how much responsibility is in earning so little, how great my father is, my friend is the strongest runaway from my money With the exception of money, I love you mommy Papa God and I have full faith in my hard work and I will soon break the chakravyuh and friends who are at home Dude, your mother and father will not be able to come back to the days.
truth love feelings moral story ,family mother love, anti,alone ill boy
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