धर्म और कर्तव्य का पालन करने में मनुष्य को प्रायः कष्ट भोगने पडते हैं किन्तु कष्टों से डरकर उसे कर्तव्यविमुख नहीं हो जाना चाहिये। यह सम्भव है कि व्यक्ति के पडोसी छल कपट और पाखण्ड से औरो को ठगकर धनवान बन गये हो और वह निर्धन ही रह गया हो। यह भी हो सकता है कि लोग झूठी खुशामद करके उॅची नौकरी पा गये हो और कर्तव्यपालक व्यक्ति को कुछ न मिला हो और यह भी हो सकता है कि और नीच कर्म करके सुखी रह रहे हो और धर्म का पालन करने वाला कष्ट पा रहा हो ।
किन्तु इसका यह अर्थ कदापि नहीं हो सकता कि वह व्यक्ति भी कर्तव्य विमुख हो जाये। अपने कर्तव्य धर्म का पालन करते हुए जीवन बिताने में जो संतोष और आन्नद अनुभव होता है बी दुष्कर्मों द्वारा प्राप्त धन सम्पत्ति और सुविधाओं से कदापि नही मिल सकता कर्तव्य से भ्रष्ट व्यक्ति सदा आशंका और अपराधबोध से पीढित रहता है।
किन्तु इसका यह अर्थ कदापि नहीं हो सकता कि वह व्यक्ति भी कर्तव्य विमुख हो जाये। अपने कर्तव्य धर्म का पालन करते हुए जीवन बिताने में जो संतोष और आन्नद अनुभव होता है बी दुष्कर्मों द्वारा प्राप्त धन सम्पत्ति और सुविधाओं से कदापि नही मिल सकता कर्तव्य से भ्रष्ट व्यक्ति सदा आशंका और अपराधबोध से पीढित रहता है।
कर्तव्य पालन करने वाले व्यक्ति के प्रयत्न में बाधा डालने वाली तीन चीज होती है प्रथम है चित्त का चंचल होना, यदि चित्त एकाग्र न होगा तो व्यक्ति कर्तव्य पालन नही कर पायेगा। दूसरी बाधा उददेश कि अनिश्चितता है। यदि उददेश्य बललता रहेगा तो भी मनुष्य धर्म पालन में असमर्थ रहेगा। तीसरी बाधा दुर्बल मन वाला व्यक्ति कभी बाधाओं का सामना नहीं कर सकता अतः कर्तव्य पालन में असमर्थ रहता है। कर्तव्य पालन करते समय मनुष्य को दो प्रभावों के बीचसे निकलना होता है। एक ओर उसकी आत्मा उसे उचित अनुचित कर्मो का ज्ञान कराकर सावधान करती है तो दूसरी ओर आलस और स्वार्थ भावना उसे कर्तव्यविमुख करना चाहती है। जो दृढ संकल्पी व्यक्ति होते हैं। वे आत्मा कि प्ररेणा पर कार्य करते हैं। और अपने कर्तव्य धर्म का पालन करते है।
The truth
Human beings often have to suffer in pursuing religion and duty, but they should not be distracted by fear of suffering. It is possible that a person's neighbor has become rich by cheating others with deceit and hypocrisy and has remained poor. It may also be that people have got a high job by false falsehood and the duty-seeking person has not got anything, and it may also be that they are happy by doing inferior deeds and are suffering the trouble of following the religion.
However, this cannot be interpreted to mean that that person too becomes alienated from duty. The satisfaction and joy that one experiences in living a life while performing his duty religion b. May never be found by the wealth and facilities obtained by the misdeeds, a person corrupted by duty always suffers from apprehension and guilt.
There are three things that hinder the efforts of a person performing duty. First is to be fickle of mind, if the mind does not concentrate, the person will not be able to perform duty. The second hurdle is uncertainty of purpose. Even if the purpose is to persist, man will be unable to follow religion. The third hurdle is that a person with a weak mind can never face obstacles and is therefore unable to perform his duties. While performing duty, a man has to come between two effects. On the one hand his soul warns him by knowing the proper improper deeds and on the other hand, laziness and selfishness wants to alienate him. Those who are strong-minded people. They work on the inspiration of the soul. And perform their duties religion.
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The truth
Human beings often have to suffer in pursuing religion and duty, but they should not be distracted by fear of suffering. It is possible that a person's neighbor has become rich by cheating others with deceit and hypocrisy and has remained poor. It may also be that people have got a high job by false falsehood and the duty-seeking person has not got anything, and it may also be that they are happy by doing inferior deeds and are suffering the trouble of following the religion.
However, this cannot be interpreted to mean that that person too becomes alienated from duty. The satisfaction and joy that one experiences in living a life while performing his duty religion b. May never be found by the wealth and facilities obtained by the misdeeds, a person corrupted by duty always suffers from apprehension and guilt.
There are three things that hinder the efforts of a person performing duty. First is to be fickle of mind, if the mind does not concentrate, the person will not be able to perform duty. The second hurdle is uncertainty of purpose. Even if the purpose is to persist, man will be unable to follow religion. The third hurdle is that a person with a weak mind can never face obstacles and is therefore unable to perform his duties. While performing duty, a man has to come between two effects. On the one hand his soul warns him by knowing the proper improper deeds and on the other hand, laziness and selfishness wants to alienate him. Those who are strong-minded people. They work on the inspiration of the soul. And perform their duties religion.
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