मछली कि कहानी
दोस्तो आज हम आपको ऐसी कहानी से रूवरू करायेगे जिसको पडकर आप आंनन्द का अनुभव करेगे और आपका दृष्टिकोण सकारात्मक हो जायेगा।
हम इस बात को निष्चित तौर पर नहीं कह सकते कि हमारी सकारात्मक क्रिया शीलता किसी दूसरे के जीवन में कोई अंतर ला पायेगी। इस बात कि केवल आशा ही की जा सकती है। शिक्षक होने के नाते मै यह निष्चित कह सकता हूॅ कि छात्र कक्षा में सीखने से ज्यादा हाजिरी अैार उस कक्षा में उत्तीर्ण होने के उद्देश्य से आते है। किंतु ऐसे भी छात्र थे जिन्होने उस विषय के पाठ को समझा और अपने जीवन में जो चाहा वह किया और अत्यन्त सफल भी हुए। यह कहना मुष्किल है कि ऐसी किस बात ने उनके जीवन को इतना प्रभावित किया होगा।
मुझे उस मछली कि कहानी याद आती है जो याद दिलाती है कि हम किसी के जीवन में कैसे परिवर्तन ला सकते है यदि हम किसी के जीवन में सुखद परिवर्तन ला सकते हैं तो इससे अच्छा कोई उपहार नही। हम हर एक के जीवन में परिवर्तन नहीं ला सकते, किन्तु एक के भी जीवन में लाना भी बडी बात है जैसे कि उस मछली कि कहानी में बताया गया है। स्वयं से प्रष्न पूछिये कि आपके जीवन की मछलियां कहा है। घर पर,कार्यालय में,या समुद्र किनारे ? हममे से हर एक के लिये अलग- अलग मछली होगी।
समानता केवल इतनी है कि यदि हम प्रयास करें तो किसी के भी जीवन को छू सकते हैं। उसे खुष कर सकते है।चाहे वी मुस्कान से ,प्यार से,हैलो कहकर या किसी के जीवन में दखलदांजी न करके और जब हमारी मछली को अपना समुद्र मिल जायेगा तो हम स्वयं पर गर्व महसूस करेगे कि हमने किसी को छोटा सा ही सही गिफट तो दिया।
मछली की कहानी
एक दिन एक आदमी समुद्र किनारे घूम रहा था। जब उसने देखा कि एक लडका बार-बार कुछ उठा रहा है और हौले से समुद्र में फेंक रहा है। लडके के पास जाकर उस आदमी ने पूछा तुम क्या कर रहें हो लडके ने जबाब दिया मैं मछली को पानी में वापिस डाल रहा हॅू नही ंतो मर जायेगी।
आदमी ने कहा, बेटा क्या तुम नहीं जानते कि समुद्र किनारे तो हजारों कि संख्या में मछली हैं। तुम क्या बदलाब ला पाओगे कितनो को बचाआंेगे।
यह सुनने के बाद लडके ने झुककर दूसरी मछली उठाई और समुद्र के पानी में डाल दी फिर आदमी की तरफ देख मुस्कुराते हुए बोला मैं बदलाब ला पाया न, उस एक के जीवन में,
दोस्तो ये जीवन दुखों से भरा पडा है इसमें हर किसी को किसी न किसी कि जरूरत है तो अपना कुछ समय उन लोगो को भी दे जो छोटे - छोटे सुखों से भी बंचित हैं। करके देखना दोस्तों बाकई में आपको दिव्य अनुभूति (चरम सुख) कि प्रप्ति होगी ।
Fish story
Friends, today we will introduce you to such a story, after which you will experience joy and your outlook will become positive.
We cannot say with certainty that our positive action will make any difference in the life of another. That can only be hoped. Being a teacher, I can say with certainty that students come to the class for the purpose of appearing in the classroom more than they learn. But there were also students who understood the text of that subject and did what they wished in their life and were also very successful. It is difficult to say what could have influenced his life so much.
I remember the story of the fish that reminds us how we can change someone's life, if we can bring a pleasant change in someone's life then there is no better gift than this. We cannot change every one's life, but it is also a matter of bringing one into one's life as told in the story of that fish. Ask yourself the question, where are the fishes in your life. At home, at the office, or at the beach? There will be different fish for each of us.
The only equality is that if we try, we can touch the life of anyone. We can make him happy. Whether we smile, love, say hello or don't interfere in someone's life, and when our fish finds its own sea, we will feel proud that we have given someone a small gift gave.
Fish story
One day a man was walking on the beach. When he saw a boy repeatedly picking up something and hurling it into the sea. Going to the boy, the man asked, "What are you doing? The boy replied," I am putting the fish back in the water, but you will not die.
The man said, son, don't you know that there are thousands of fish on the sea shore. What you will be able to change, how many people will be saved.
After hearing this, the boy bowed down and picked up another fish and put it in the sea water, then looking at the man smilingly said, I could not get revenge, in that one's life,
Friends, this life is full of sorrows, in which everyone needs someone or other, then give some time to those who are also suffering from small pleasures. You will see the divine feeling (extreme pleasure) in friends' rest.
Fish story
Friends, today we will introduce you to such a story, after which you will experience joy and your outlook will become positive.
We cannot say with certainty that our positive action will make any difference in the life of another. That can only be hoped. Being a teacher, I can say with certainty that students come to the class for the purpose of appearing in the classroom more than they learn. But there were also students who understood the text of that subject and did what they wished in their life and were also very successful. It is difficult to say what could have influenced his life so much.
I remember the story of the fish that reminds us how we can change someone's life, if we can bring a pleasant change in someone's life then there is no better gift than this. We cannot change every one's life, but it is also a matter of bringing one into one's life as told in the story of that fish. Ask yourself the question, where are the fishes in your life. At home, at the office, or at the beach? There will be different fish for each of us.
The only equality is that if we try, we can touch the life of anyone. We can make him happy. Whether we smile, love, say hello or don't interfere in someone's life, and when our fish finds its own sea, we will feel proud that we have given someone a small gift gave.
Fish story
One day a man was walking on the beach. When he saw a boy repeatedly picking up something and hurling it into the sea. Going to the boy, the man asked, "What are you doing? The boy replied," I am putting the fish back in the water, but you will not die.
The man said, son, don't you know that there are thousands of fish on the sea shore. What you will be able to change, how many people will be saved.
After hearing this, the boy bowed down and picked up another fish and put it in the sea water, then looking at the man smilingly said, I could not get revenge, in that one's life,
Friends, this life is full of sorrows, in which everyone needs someone or other, then give some time to those who are also suffering from small pleasures. You will see the divine feeling (extreme pleasure) in friends' rest.
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