वैराग्य का यह अर्थ नहीं कि संसार को छोडकर जंगल में रहने लग गये जाकर। वैराग्य कि भावना जीवन कि समस्त प्रवृत्तियों में व्याप्त होनी चाहिये। कोई गृहस्थ यदि जीवन को भेाग न समझकर कर्तव्य समझता है वह गृहस्थ मिट नहीं जाता जो व्यापारी अपना काम त्याग कि भावना ये करता है उसके हाथों भले ही करोडो रूपये का लेन-देन होता हो फिर भी वह यदि अपने धर्म का पालन करता हो तो अपनी योग्यता का उपयोग सेवा के लिये करेगा। इसलिये वह किसी को धेाखा नहीं देगा। सटटा नहीं करेगा। सादा जीवन व्यतीत करेगा किसी प्राणी को दुख नही पहुचायेगा ।
त्यागमय जीवन कला का उत्तम प्रतीक और सच्चे आन्नद से परिपूर्ण होता है। जो सेवा करना चाहता है वह अपने आराम करने मेे एक क्षण भी व्यर्थ नहीं करेगा। क्योकि उसे वह प्रभु कि इच्छा पर छोड देता है। इसलिये वह जो कुछ हाथ लग जाए उसी को बटोर कर बोझ नहीं बडायेगा सिर्फ उतना ही लेगा जितने कि उसे सख्त जरूरत है और बाकी छोड देगा। असुविधा होने पर भी वह मन में शान्त क्रोधरहित और अविचलित होगा। सदगुण कि भाति उसकी सेवा ही उसका पुरस्कार होगा और वह उसी से संतुष्ट रहेगा दूसरों कि स्वेच्छापूर्वक सेवा में हमारी शक्तियां लगनी चाहिये। और उसे अपनी सेवा से तरजीह मिलनी चाहिये असल में शुद्व भक्त अपने लिये कुछ भी न रखकर अपने को मानव सेवा में समर्पित कर देता है।
अपने त्याग पर हमें देखी नहीं होना चाहिये जिस त्याग से पीडा होती है। उसकी पवित्रता नष्ट हो जाती है और अधिक जोर पडने पर नष्ट हो जाती है मनुष्य उस वस्तुओ को त्याग करता जिन्हे वह हानिकारक मानता है। इसलिये त्याग करने से उसे सुख हेाना चाहिये।
यंग इण्डिया
Disappointment does not mean leaving the world and starting living in the forest. The feeling of detachment should permeate all the tendencies of life. If a householder does not consider life as a duty, that householder does not disappear, the businessman who feels the sacrifice of his work, even if there is a transaction of crores of rupees in his hands, if he follows his religion, then his Will use the qualification for the service. Therefore, he will not beat anyone. Will not stick. Will lead a simple life, will not hurt any animal.
Solitaire life is a perfect symbol of art and full of true joy. The one who wants to serve will not waste even a single moment in resting. Because he leaves it at the will of God. Therefore, whatever he gets on hand, he will not take the burden by collecting only what he desperately needs and will leave the rest. Even in the face of discomfort, he will be silent, angry and unsteady. By virtue of his service, his service will be his reward and he will be satisfied with the same, our powers should be engaged in voluntary service of others. And he should get priority from his service, in fact, a pure devotee does not keep anything for himself and dedicates himself to human service.
We should not have seen at our sacrifice, the sacrifice that comes with it. His purity is destroyed and upon exerting too much, a man renounces the things which he considers harmful. That is why he should be happy by sacrificing
Young india
Disappointment does not mean leaving the world and starting living in the forest. The feeling of detachment should permeate all the tendencies of life. If a householder does not consider life as a duty, that householder does not disappear, the businessman who feels the sacrifice of his work, even if there is a transaction of crores of rupees in his hands, if he follows his religion, then his Will use the qualification for the service. Therefore, he will not beat anyone. Will not stick. Will lead a simple life, will not hurt any animal.
Solitaire life is a perfect symbol of art and full of true joy. The one who wants to serve will not waste even a single moment in resting. Because he leaves it at the will of God. Therefore, whatever he gets on hand, he will not take the burden by collecting only what he desperately needs and will leave the rest. Even in the face of discomfort, he will be silent, angry and unsteady. By virtue of his service, his service will be his reward and he will be satisfied with the same, our powers should be engaged in voluntary service of others. And he should get priority from his service, in fact, a pure devotee does not keep anything for himself and dedicates himself to human service.
We should not have seen at our sacrifice, the sacrifice that comes with it. His purity is destroyed and upon exerting too much, a man renounces the things which he considers harmful. That is why he should be happy by sacrificing
Young india
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